This is who I am
I’m a self taught mobile developer that create a domestic violence app dedicated to helping victims escape abuse. I decided to combine my new learned skills and long-time passion for domestic violence prevention to create Purple Evolution, Inc (PEVO) App.
Purple Evolution, Inc. (PEVO) was established as an effort to empower women experiencing domestic violence with the essential tools required to develop a safe, secure exit plan. As someone who’s had family and friends fall victim to domestic violence, I wanted the PEVO app to help the millions suffering from abuse across the country.
I have received major acknowledgment from Apple at WWDC15, WWDC16 being the first black woman to ever be in Apple Hello World documentary short video. As well as received acknowledgment from GitHub in there I am a developer video.
I am also very dedicated to empowering women in tech with Women Who Code, we are changing the world in tech.
Looking for that powerful inspiring motivational speaker

Apple Hello World
It me I’m the STAR of Apple Hello World WWDC16 a lot of people don’t know who that black woman is in that promotional video
IT ME Alicia V Carr
THANK YOU Apple now to get folks to find me
I am a Developer
Thank to GitHub deciding to do a short documentary on me creating an domestic violence app called PEVO. I started building PEVO in January 2014 and now working on PEVO to be an national app.
My NFTs Photography Galleries
“I am an artist and I’m sensitive about my Shit…”Erykah Badu
My NFTs Story
I am an artist,
I am a photographer
I have been stashing all my work on my external hard drive collecting dust when my husband gave me the idea to convert my photography to NFTs. I then decide I will give back by selling my NFTs and donate 50% of the fund to rebuilding PEVO domestic violence app for national uses.
My passion in life has been to be that social entrepreneur to empower, motivate and to strength women around the world.
So help me in my mission to EMPOWER women around the world.